The 3 components for digitization

Por: Jairo Barahona Garita
As part of my support to companies and organizations seeking to improve and enter the digital era, I have observed throughout my experience, three major components that allow these companies to achieve their goals progressively. However, it is not essential to have implemented these three digital components that I am going to point out, but rather to determine which of the three have a significant impact on the management of a company.

Web Presence

Initially, if a company seeks to position itself on a market segment and filter potential customers or ideal consumers, as well as to make itself known and offer a robust and remarkable image, an informative website in coordination with the use and management of social networks, is the best way to focus, attack and measure the objectives of penetration, positioning, and coverage of its target market.

For a website to be an effective tool, it must be designed for your ideal clients and not necessarily for the tastes or whims of a few. You must establish objectives that lead to surveys or polls of a sample of your target market, to verify that the premises and assumptions regarding tastes and trends are real.

Additionally, the competition and industry leaders must be considered to assimilate the favorable aspects that must be homologated, as well as to discard the unfavorable or counterproductive aspects that must be avoided. Once this study and analysis of how the digital image of your company should be completed, you can start with a plan to carry it out, remembering that currently the consumption and access of information on the Internet, is being done mostly through mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

An informative website may have little information, but it must be quality information and even more important it must be constantly updated and maintained, to generate new content of interest to its consumers and followers, as well as provide an efficient communication channel that allows you to convert your prospects into customers who will subsequently refer and repeat with your company. Some companies lag with the generation and maintenance of their content, which is not terrible, but it would be wasting a lot of marketing and sales potential that can provide a dynamic guide that tells you where your industry or market is heading, as well as provide new ideas or market niches that allow you to diversify your products or services.

Meet with your marketing and sales managers to evaluate your customer acquisition channels and assess the eventual need to invest in your digital Web presence.

Also read: The Era of Digital Interconnectivity

Access and information in the cloud

Continuing with component number two, it is worth noting that the order of the components may be congruent with the level of digitization a company has, but it is not strict; there may be cases of organizations that are very well positioned on their segment or audience, but rather what they need is to digitize or automate parts of, or their entire operation process. This means that they are thinking of simplifying their management through technology to reduce their operating costs, become more efficient, increase their operational capacity, provide greater added value to their product or service, standardize their processes, become certified, etc.

Today’s mature companies are very clear about where the shoe is on the other foot, and where they can seek to improve their operations. Naturally, technology and software are one of the first areas where they should look for solutions that allow them to achieve their objectives. Every day we receive calls from companies interested in understanding how information technologies work in terms of their needs and how they think they can take advantage of them. These contacts, besides being very interesting, allow us to provide the necessary advice to better understand the multiple alternatives and options they have at their disposal, obtaining our advice on which may be the best options in each particular case. This process sometimes involves suggesting the implementation of an existing solution, or carrying out the development of a custom solution, or even both depending on the level of maturity and digital reach you have.

This second component leads to the implementation of services and access to information in the cloud, automation of management and consultation processes. For example, a company that sells a product wants its customers to be able to make purchases over the Internet, companies and educational organizations that want to provide digital content and virtualization of learning, engineering companies or services that want to consult and access their most important information quickly and easily from anywhere.

The scope of web applications is very broad and allows the interconnection of systems and information that can lead them to make better decisions every day, information that can be stored and analyzed to forecast and project their management statistically. Information today is a very valuable asset, for this reason many companies are investing in ways to retain and make the most of this digital asset.

Mobile app development

Now let’s think about mature or recently founded companies or organizations (startups). Entities that have very well identified their industry and market segment to which they are going to offer a product or service with a well-established and proven added value. Companies whose potential customers are looking for that innovative feature that will make them stand out from the competition, and whose business model is clear and sustainable. These companies are usually looking for the development of a mobile app that allows them to carry out all or an important part of their operation through the digitization of their service, product, or service.

Mobile apps are rapidly taking over many markets and industries because of the ubiquity and agility for customers to get the product and service quickly and dynamically. Imagine, your customers virtually don’t have to go anywhere, they don’t have to wait in lines, they don’t have to deal with customer service, and they feel confident that they have the support of all parties involved in the acquisition of your product or service.

Recently, many of the needs identified in component number two mentioned above, development and implementation of custom software such as web applications, are being complemented by the development of integrated solutions that include mobile applications that allow many companies and organizations to manage their operations digitally and decentralized, through mobile devices that facilitate entering, consulting, and storing information in the cloud from anywhere and in real time. Taking your IT assets to new levels of accuracy and value through geolocalized, audio visual, dynamic, and especially secure content.

For example, imagine all the companies that need to visit their customers and must enter information on paper or in a dispersed and non-standard way. Organizations and guilds that want to provide added value to their members through mobile tools that facilitate their management and allow them to materialize the investment they make in that organization. Entities that want to take their content, products, and services further and within reach of more people.

Despite the growing activity in the field of mobile applications, we must not lose sight of our objective and offer a mobile tool that conveys added value. Statistically we only have one chance to launch a mobile app and have a good reception from our audience. We can’t afford to fail in that first attempt, so companies should take advice and be very clear about the objective of their mobile app, especially if that objective is relevant to their audience or not.

At StartX we are excited to learn about these ideas and objectives because they are the ones with which we achieve a greater positive impact, not only with the companies and organizations that seek us, but also with customers and people who will receive more and a better product or service in the future.

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The 3 components for digitization