Technology at your fingertips

Por: Jairo Barahona Garita
I don’t know if you have noticed today the boom that is taking the creation of products and concepts in a more artisanal and exclusive way. We all like to feel that differentiator of acquiring or consuming something that was not processed with millions of identical copies

Previously this was thought only for people with high purchasing power who could afford their luxuries. But local initiatives on a smaller scale have shown how to change this mentality and be able to put high quality and affordable products in the hands of their customers.


The technology area is not lagging behind either, many companies are looking to innovate and obtain customized or more affordable products, instead of opting for or relying only on the old and expensive systems they require to operate: ERPs, CRMs, mailing, communication, mobility, for web, etc.


On some occasions, large companies gave us to understand how their needs are changing rapidly and they cannot meet them at the desired pace through the technological tools they have. In many cases these tools do what they have to do, and they do it well, but only that. They cannot easily or quickly evolve or scale to meet new and growing needs.


This led me to think about what Professor Carlos Gonzales, Phd in Computer Science, was telling me:

“Business trends in relation to computer systems and software are like a pendulum that can be observed over time: first they try to keep everything centralized by increasing their internal IT departments, but gradually they are going back to the other extreme, outsourcing systems and companies that provide them with comprehensive solutions.”


Now it seems that we are at the time to take advantage of the trends of software as a service (SaaS) and “nearshore” companies that provide us with a product or service provided by experts, with the flexibility and customization that we all look for in a product or service; but especially that is within our reach. As I always say: no need to reinvent the wheel! However, large corporations are catching up, and molding their schemes to offer what customers are looking for, just as the brewery did.


It may be that the pendulum mentioned by the professor will someday swing back to the other extreme; but visionary companies will be very clear about where to direct their technological efforts in a timely manner.





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Technology at your fingertips