How to hire technology services?

Por: Jairo Barahona Garita
Currently many companies are faced with the need to address the new needs of their customers and place themselves at the forefront of their competition using technology.

Some of the most common needs of companies today are for example:

  • Web site development
  • Consulting for the use and contracting of cloud services.
  • Mobile app development
  • Custom software development
  • Systems support and maintenance

Website development

Websites today go beyond a group of static pages; they are one of the most important tools to present themselves to a potential customer or supplier and achieve an effective approach and communication. Websites, above and beyond technology, must have timely and updated content, very focused on achieving their specific objectives and be able to measure their real results. Companies must be very clear about the objectives of their website and know their visitors well to be able to design a successful website; this is a job that starts internally, since no technology provider will be able to answer these questions on their behalf. Once the company is clear about its objectives and target audience, the technology provider can help you implement a dynamic and attractive site that will captivate your ideal customers.

Consulting for the use and contracting of cloud services.

Cloud services have managed to simplify and efficiently meet the digital needs of a modern company, such as:

  •  Corporate email service
  • Mass mail service
  • Video call service
  • Instant messaging service
  • Storage service
  • ERP, CRM, and other services

However, there are so many options for these software services (SaaS) that they can overwhelm any company in terms of cost, features, and relationship commitment. This is where a technology partner can help alleviate and clarify the landscape of options, always focusing on the company’s core needs, without favoring the interests of any particular vendor. Finally, offering well-founded and reliable advice and counsel from which every detail can be well understood.

Mobile App Development

Corporate mobile apps are revolutionizing the consumer experience and improving the internal processes of companies. It is remarkable the impact they have on their customers and the differentiation factor they generate; and at an internal level it is perceived the simplification and automation of processes that therefore contribute to the reduction of time and costs in the operation of companies.

A corporate mobile app also manages to integrate the technological resources of a company providing cohesion of information and a much more accurate and reliable operation for decision making.

Read also: What should I consider when developing a mobile app?

Custom software development

Companies with a greater background in technology are very clear about what they need to take their success and growth to the next level, so they seek to implement precise and well-calculated solutions to achieve their specific objectives.

Custom software development requires a provider capable of understanding the business from the ground up, as well as fully understanding the specific objectives to provide an effective and scalable solution.

Systems support and maintenance.

After all the above, systems, like any other tool, require maintenance to ensure that they are always running smoothly and accurately. Information must be curated and backed up; statistics analyzed to update metrics.

Additionally, support provides security by having a technical backup in case of unexpected situations with technological resources. The technology provider should always build a versatile solution that can be calibrated and maintained to always work perfectly.

What to expect from your technology provider?

All the above needs can be clearly described by means of a contract of work (SOW) that allows to determine the objectives, costs, times, etc., of a project. The technology provider should provide all this information with which it is already familiar, providing a clear explanation of the scope and each of the points mentioned.

Additionally, companies may request a non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement (NDA) to protect their interests and sensitive information, for which the supplier should also be able to provide the basis for such an agreement.

Finally, a service delivery agreement (SLA) is ideal for describing the process and characteristics of the service delivery, e.g., response times, deliverables, documentation, roles, responsibilities, etc. The provider can provide this basis and from there customize the content according to your needs.

For us at StartX it is very important to start with an analysis meeting to understand very well the needs of our clients and thus be able to provide the right solutions. Beyond a standardized cost, each client is different and requires a customized study which we provide free of charge at the beginning of our collaboration as a technological ally of a company.

Contact us and let us take your business to the next level.

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How to hire technology services?