First steps to reach e-commerce.

Por: Andrés Rojas Villalobos
“Every great journey begins with the first step”.

This phrase is very valid but sometimes it is very difficult for us to take that first step for various fears, the unknown, failure, losing, not knowing what to do, not feeling prepared, in short many different masks of fear that we put on ourselves to simply not move forward. If we think carefully about this small paragraph, we could come to the conclusion that in most cases our worst enemy is our own mind. There is good news: just as we ourselves take care of those fears, we are also capable of jumping over them and moving forward. Of course, when we take that leap and we are ready to take the steps on that walk it is not bad to be well informed of where we are going, what problems and challenges we may encounter along the way. This is the objective of this article. To contemplate what are the requirements you might face when making the decision to take your business to the next level, electronic sales.

Currently in the market there are many platforms that allow the creation of websites for e-commerce (electronic commerce), there are of all sizes, flavors, tastes and colors, everything will depend on your own interests and how clear you have the following points that will allow you to think and decide which one will help you in a better way.

  • Know your business and your products, you will need to know very well what your business is dedicated to, what are the benefits and characteristics of your products to be able to convince the customer why he should choose your products and not those of the competition.
  • You will probably not be alone in the business, many companies that are dedicated to the same thing may be on the Internet as well, do not be intimidated.
  • Think big. Costa Rica with 4 million people is not the same as France with 63 million people. Your potential customers are going to grow in number, think about it.
  • You can receive requests for your products from anywhere, be prepared, research about exporting products to those countries, what requirements you must meet with your local government to do so.
  • Think about shipping policies, where you want to focus, where you want to have customers from and in case someone outside that list contacts you what to do with that interested customer.
  • Most importantly, how do you receive the money from your sales. There are many methods available, from sending money through a wire transfer, to charging by credit or debit card. Some examples are PayPal, 2Checkout, Google Wallet, among others.
  • Find out how long it takes on average to deliver your products in the list of countries / locations of interest, you do not want your product to arrive damaged when it finally arrives at the destination.
  • Help the customer to find something else, in the big Internet sales pages always suggest additional products that complement our purchase to get you to buy more products.
  • Promotions are always well seen in general, always think about them.
  • Remember, there may be customers who may buy a lot of products, think about those scenarios.
  • Organize your products into families and categories, it will help your customers navigate more easily through your online store and find products that are related to their original search.
  • Look at the competition, check your competitors’ prices to create marketing strategies, clearances, promotions, and bundles.
  • Consult with a company that has experience in the e-commerce field and with these steps taken care of, believe me!! jumping the fear of starting in the e-commerce world will be a thing of the past.
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