7 benefits of custom software for my company

Por: Ana Rocío Ureña Barboza
Many companies experience the need to simplify some processes and optimize the management of their business and for this they resort to acquiring software applications that fit their business.

CEO’s and company managers are choosing to invest in their business and create efficient solutions that help them make better decisions every day. The implementation of a customized system requires planning and organization of resources that will be provided for the proper development of the system but it is no secret that it will certainly help the organization in general.

Among the customized services that organizations can opt for and that StartX offers are:

  • Mobile Apps
  • Web Platforms
  • Consulting
  • Outsourcing

Also read: Custom Software Development and its impact on organizations


StartX developers share with us some of the benefits that the implementation of a custom software service such as those mentioned above within companies, they mention:

1 – Simplifies processes

“There are processes that can become very tedious, or involve many calculations, for which a well-adapted software can get to do in a faster and more efficient way” – Allan Duarte, StartX

2 – Reduces Costs

“Because when processes are automated, efficiency should go up, so time and resources are reduced in the performance of tasks” – Cristhiana Camacho, StartX

3 – Automates manual processes

“Because thanks to a software, I can streamline a process in such a way that there is a faster and more effective automatic solution, in addition to reducing the possibility of human error, for example when in administrative reports that sometimes records are used in Excel sheets where the insertion of such data to be manual, can have error when typing a record” – Emmanuel Aguero, StartX

4 – Innovate

“We can say that software can bring people closer to information, help the transfer in governments, speed up procedures, simplify daily life, provide security, for example the internet of things, there is software there, there we are innovating” – Jorge Jaime, StartX

5 – Analyze and identify trends

“Through databases and trend analysis we could discover several important things for companies, for example in a study they did at Walmart they realized that a very large percentage of those who bought beer bought diapers so they decided to put diapers next to beer” – Roy Quesada, StartX

6 – Improve the user experience

“We can see cases of user-friendly websites, easy to use, fast, etc.” – Esteban Gatjens, StartX

7 – Increases the relationship and communication with customers and with all the human resources of the company.

“Thanks to the increase of the relationship and communication with the clients, the trust and loyalty of them is increased, generating continuity in the request for services and good recommendations” Mario Rodriguez, StartX.

In summary, the development of a software platform either web or mobile allows the business to improve in many ways, if you are thinking in some way how to take a step further with your business, this can be an excellent opportunity that will undoubtedly bring benefits to your entire organization both internally and externally.

Contact us to help simplify and optimize the management of your business in a cost-effective way.

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7 benefits of custom software for my company