How can software help my company’s efficiency?

Por: Rocío Ureña Barboza
To learn more about how software can collaborate with the efficiency of a company, we must ask ourselves when a company is efficient, and this may be a difficult question to answer if we take into account the large number of scenarios in which companies operate and the constant change that stalks them; however, the efficiency of a company or organization is measured in the sense in which the available resources are used to achieve a goal. A definition of efficiency that confirms the above may be the one provided by Robbins and Coulter in their book Administración, where efficiency is defined as: “Doing things well or achieving the best results from the least number of resources”.

This concept is reflected when top management establishes strategies to set the direction of the organization and achieve the objectives based on a defined budget, i.e., given resources, but at the same time setting higher objectives and productivity.

Within this search to simplify procedures and maximize productivity, there are options such as software systems, which provide a solution to optimize processes and achieve more with fewer resources.

Organizations such as Wal-mart use these solutions not only to optimize their processes but also to gain an advantage over their competitors. We can see how, for example, this organization has a sophisticated information system that allows them to control their inventories and have a more efficient relationship with their suppliers.

Better use of information, better communication with customers and suppliers, 24/7 availability, optimization of processes through software and mobile equipment, ensuring the security and backup of information, as well as reducing costs are just some of the advantages that organizations that implement a software system to manage their business efficiently have.

Let’s remember that we live in an era in which the speed with which we react to changes is fundamental, that is why many companies that are in a privileged position within the rankings of the most innovative companies have implemented software solutions that have allowed them to stay in the market and with a great advantage over their competitors.

An important point is the development capacity that companies acquire when they implement a software solution, because when processes are optimized and work efficiently, resources may be available to invest in new projects that expand the scope of the organization in the market in which it develops, that is, to cover new market niches.

The business world creates an environment in which organizations struggle to stay in it and it is up to each one to decide how they want to do it, but it is important to always give importance to innovation and creativity, since it is a bridge to the success of the organization.


Robbins, Stephen P. y Mary Coulter. Administración. Décima Edición.  Pearson Educación, México, 2010

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