Essentialism: achieving more, doing less

Por: Iván Ramírez
A few weeks ago as I was getting ready to welcome our baby girl, I had the privilege of reading the great book ‘Essentialism’ by Greg McKeown.

The main emphasis of the book is to be able to choose the things that are truly important to you as a person and as a professional and to be able to decide “no” to the things or situations that are not so important.

The book came at a perfect time, especially to help me focus my strength and time in this beautiful stage with my family, but at the same time to rethink what will be important in the coming months on the personal and professional side.

Many times we decide to say yes to people so as not to look bad or for fear of losing an excellent opportunity. I can remember many times when I have said yes to a job interview or to attend an activity that I do not want to participate or attend but because I was afraid of what I ‘might’ lose, I accepted.

To look for the essential is to choose what is truly important and discard the things and situations that are not truly important and that are not necessarily bad. The essential is what cannot wait. In a world where everything is urgent and everything is a priority, the essentialist is an endangered animal.

Essentialism should not only be a goal pursued by individuals but also by companies. Many companies do not have a clear and defined goal, a task that is essential, but focus on doing many things and forget to do what is truly essential, what can keep the company moving forward.

At StartX we share this quest for the essential: life and business are too difficult on their own to spend our time on things that are not TRULY important or essential and we want to help businesses that are looking for the same.

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